Heemstede, 02/04/2002, 9am

Hands off my shower stuff!

I am getting so tired of the way things go in this house. It's not for no reason at all that I lock all my things up in my room, safe away from the others. I am just about the only person in this house that actually keeps their stuff to themselves, without scattering every little rummagey thing around the whole huge, messy, too full house.

I have just about one example for you. Yesterday, or the day before, it doesn't really matter, but not long ago anyway, I bought this new body shower gel thing yummy smell nice nice. And just for this once, just this Once, I thought it would be okay to leave it in the rack in our shower... which is, of course, meant for things like that. Pah! One of the reasons I thought it would be okay was because not a day before my sister had been angry and dramatically rowdy about the fact that *somebody* had used her soap. And now it was nearly finished, and so on. Understandable. Especially seeing she's greedy and has to buy things like that herself. Even more understandable if everybody else either doesn't use that kind of stuff or has their own.
So, I might add, now I've said that my sister's greedy, that means I am too.
Someone used my new shower gel. And didn't go very careful on it at that! It might seem a silly thing to moan about, but it's just not fair! I can't believe it really, my Mother even made this stern rule about that absolutely nobody is to use her expensive Body Shop shower things. So, Mum, keep your hands off mine!

I feel so The current mood of o-jasmine-o@diaryland.com at www.imood.

I just hadn't expected the somebody who steals other people's shower things to continue with their actions, especially so soon after the big fight my sister put up.

Okay, on to the next thing. My lil brothery drew that violin for me :). (Why is my mouse wobbling all over the place on the screen while I'm not even touching it and my mobile phone's way too far away to interfere?) Hmmm, the layout didn't turn out like I was hoping I'd get it; it seems that what I wanted is impossible... go go the classic problem. But I like it more the way it is now than the way it would've been if I had got done what I initially wanted. So that's good don't you think? I'm not too keen on the guest book though. Somehow those thingy adverty links to get other people to sign up for a guest book that Andrew put sneakily before the end "body" tag, appears at the top to the right of my whole table, instead of underneath, which mucks it up, and somehow I couldn't get the entries to scroll like I had in my previous layout :-/. But I'll be working on it... someday.

Umm, it's time for tea now, and I'm beginning to realise more and more how over horridly boring my diary entries are.
Oh well. That will change. Note my not mentioning if it will change in a positive or a negative direction.

I need a new screen.
Cry for me, I'm spoilt, I won't do with a smaller screen than I have. That's... bad! Money wise.

~ Openness ~

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