Still 20th, August 2001, 13:21

Pff, Postcard and Ketchup

Before you read this, please note that I am deeply ashamed of the annoying, childish way I wrote in my diary during the time of this entry. My writing has now developed to something more serious as you may find out here; I no longer use my negligible space on the net to fling litter at in all disarray.

I'm okay i'm okay

Not that you were worrying, but still. So. I'm hungry again, but this time i'm patiently awaiting a pop from the toaster, i've got a toasty making itself in there :). And the post just fell through the door (as usual, late on Mondays), and instead of finding lots of boring post from banks and insurance companies and tax stuff and landlords and things, people wanting money, i found a nice card for me in an envelope, Thanks Grandma :). It was wishing me good luck with my driving intest... hehehe. Bit late. And *ouch*, i just spoke to my Grandmother an hour ago over the phone and now she'll be wondering why i hadn't thanked her for the card :(. Ohwell, thank her next time :D.

And hmhmm, i 'promised' someone to mention him. It's Q. HAH! He pointed out to me that i'd been eating muscles instead of mussels, no wonder i felt sick afterwards. Lol. Silly me.

AAAAAAAaaah Tas! Don't forget your toasty! ;) Thanks :X

Hey, have you ever eaten a toasty with a knife and fork? Well you should try it sometime, i've just recently discovered it adds the final touch to its wonderful stucture... hmmm... But only if you cut it up on forehand though, so you can just stick your fork into a bitesize piece and just pop it into your mouth to chew. And you have to have ketchup spread over the top, otherwise it just doesn't work.

Oh and my violin practise went well *NOT*, i haven't done it yet *ashamed of herself*, but i am certainly still going to today, i want to, so i have to. There's no escape. - Oh and hint hint for Q.

So, that's all for now

Till the time when it's there.

*lil me*

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